Monday, September 5, 2011

Your Blog... Sucks

Hello CodeToJoy Nation!

Yes, yes, it has been too long since the last post. The internet has weighed in, and we have noticed.

Your friend and mine, Weiqi Gao, notes that "Nobody I know posts much any more".

The inimitable Nate Neff wrote to me with a succinct critique of my writings in the last year:

Your blog... sucks.

Well. On the evidence, assuming small, frequent updates are important (which is fair): guilty as charged.

However, I don't consider this blog defunct at all; in fact, I often talk about "the glory days" from a few years back.

I've been grappling with writing an annual retrospective, now that I have been pursuing a new chapter for over a year. The trick here is that challenges and triumphs have been much more on the soft side of software: team dynamics instead of technical innovation. I wrote an article along these lines for the NFJS magazine back in April. The article drew on years of experience, but the inspiration originated in my new world.

As I write this, I realize that I'll have to shelve that post and simply post smaller chunks. Stay tuned! I'm still here.

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