Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Meet Me In St. Louis

Hello, Code to Joy Nation (esp. those in Saint Louis)!

Next week, I'll be returning to Saint Louis to attend the NFJS Gateway Software Symposium. I can't wait to be back in town and see everyone!

Long-time readers know I'm a fan of the tour, and think the speakers are top-shelf. Many keen insights and fond memories over the years.

A fond highlight was speaking at the Saint Louis show in 2010. This spring, I wrote an article for the NFJS magazine. Both were true growth experiences for me.

Last year, knowing I would be leaving, I wrote a personal 10 year retrospective, highlighting a certain piano at the Marriott West. Well, tune 'er up! I've missed it.

If you're at the conference, be sure to say hello...

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