Thursday, December 23, 2010

Pro Tip: Ask for a 999 Cut

Hello CtJ Nation!

A short post to wish readers a splendid holiday season and a happy New Year. Thanks for staying with me through 2010. It has been a hectic year, and I've been unusually quiet.

As a light-hearted thank you, I'm sharing some links from the Strange Passions sessions at the recent Strange Loop 2010 conference.

I once thought I was an interesting person, but after seeing these talks, one is humbled and entertained at the same time. Wonderful, wonderful stuff.

My favourites are Entering Without Breaking (it inspired the title of this post) by Galen Collins and The Science of Musical Counterpoint and Illusion by Daniel Spiewak. (If it matters, GC's talk is rated-R for occasional language.)

All of the videos are available here.

Be safe, and be joyous.

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