Sunday, May 2, 2010

Just Do Something

Hello from CtJ HQ! It has been a long spell since posting. There are reasons why, but mostly pedestrian excuses.

As many do, I have spells when I break out of my usual rhythm. Usually, this pertains to exercise or practicing a musical instrument.

In these cases, I've learned to "just do something".

For example, if I'm out of my routine for the gym, the experience of being a (former) triathlete makes me feel like my first work-out should be a dandy. This leads to pressure, which causes fear, etc. The "deal" is that it is OK to just run a couple of miles, at any pace I want. The true goal is to start again, with a pleasant experience; the means to the end is: just do something.

This simple idea has helped me tremendously in the past, and now via this post.


  1. This is a horrible post, and I'm extremely disappointed in you. I expect CONSTANT GOLDEN CONTENT.

    Just kidding! :)

  2. Totally off topic, but you're a techie, thought I'd extend a book recommendation (if you've not already read it yourself): "Daemon" by Daniel Suarez.
