Monday, September 14, 2009

STM and Clojure: An Article Recommendation

Your friend and mine, Mark Volkmann, has written an excellent, thorough article over at the OCI Java News Brief (I work for an affiliate of OCI).

The article first places Software Transactional Memory (STM) within the milieu of other concurrency techniques. I especially like the emphasis on transactional, as I found that as a stumbling block in the past. (It does not necessarily mean a database!)

The article goes on to work though some serious study of STM in Clojure. Great stuff....


  1. Thanks Mike! I have made many improvements to the article since it was originally published. The new version, and the one everyone should read, is at

  2. Just to be safe, I updated the main post with the new link. Thanks for the update, Mark...
