Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Busy Developer's Guide to Steve Yegge: The N00b Post

With apologies to Ted Neward, here is my recap of Steve Yegge's N00b post:

Clarity and brevity are often opposing forces, but there is a sweet-spot where they combine to form beauty.

We spend our entire careers chasing that sweet-spot. It moves.


  1. I hadn't read Yegge's posting. But, I agree with your comments.

    And sometimes the sweet spot doesn't just move, it runs an evasive pattern...

  2. Well put! Steve needs to hire you as an editor.

  3. Totally - you should do this for every Yegge post so I can stop reading his blog. I could get hrs of my life back!

  4. Thanks, all... True to the tyranny of brevity, this post took longer to write than many of the other posts.

  5. Well said! I think one thing we struggle with is whether the language should dictate how verbose or brief code should be. Brief code doesn't necessarily mean concise. A more verbose language prevents brief cryptic code, but frustrates experienced developers that know how to be concise in the given language.

  6. @Jeff. I did play with some haiku drafts but those are so tough to write.

    Btw, I should mention that Steve Y has a post (Jan 08) discussing the length of his 'essays'. I think it is an excellent read. He makes some good arguments for the length.
