Monday, July 2, 2007

Introducing the iStone ($299)

CtJ Newswire
Parody City, CA
July 3, 2007

Widely known for software posts, CodeToJoy shocked industry insiders today by unveiling a new tech gadget: the iStone.

Made from exquisitely-polished, solid obsidian, the iStone is a viable alternative to other popular mobile units. It weighs in at a mere 4 ounces, and is state-of-the-fashion, at 4 x 2 inches in size. With a retail price of $299, the device enjoys a significant price advantage over its primary competitor.

"Admittedly, both reception and connectivity will be issues for early adopters," said one industry pundit. "However, CodeToJoy does not lock you into a particular carrier. What's more, the activation delay may not be significantly longer than with its main rival."

Throughout North America, and around the world, forums and blogs were abuzz with news. A typical posting described the allure of the latest tech status symbol:

"Dude... hit the bars with the iStone and you are a rock star! :-P And still have money left over to buy drinks! I *heart* iStone."

However, there is also controversy surrounding the announcement. Skeptics in the tech world wonder if it will be an open platform for 3rd party developers. The Java community, in particular, is furious at early reports that the iStone may not run Java applications.

At last report, orders for the device were strong, with lines forming at many retail outlets. Online auction sites quote starting bids as high as $498.


  1. Hey, Mike --- get the trademark NOW. iPhone mets the pet rock could be a real winner.


  2. Can I customize my "ring tone" with my own webcast?
