Sunday, March 11, 2007

NFJS.... Java Junkies: Unite!

I'm looking forward to next weekend's No Fluff Just Stuff conference. For the uninitiated, it is a Java conference with the unique characteristic of hitting the road "on tour", and coming to a town near you. The speakers are often big names in the industry, and yet the tour has local speakers on the bill as well.

This will be my 5th year. I enjoy it because the sessions are generally excellent and relevant, and the style is very irreverent and down-to-earth.

My favorite speakers include Ted Neward, Stuart Halloway, and Dave Thomas, who has given the keynote speech for years now.

This year I'm looking forward to hearing Scott Davis, presenter and keynote. He's an excellent, animated speaker: he gave a cool presentation to the StL Java SIG awhile back.

The best part though, is the energy that emanates from such a high concentration of geeks! I swear, after one of these conferences, you just want to hole up for a month and play with new tools/ideas.

Stay tuned next weekend... I may blog each evening with highlights and insights.

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